
Photo of Dennis Adolfi

Dennis Adolfi

Dennis Adolfi is a developer at Knowit, living in Gothenburg, Sweden. He’s been an active member of the Umbraco community for many years writing blog posts & tutorials, hosting events, teaching and helping out in the Umbraco forum, for which he was rewarded MVP in 2016. He’s also an Umbraco Master and he loves Test Driven Development. When he’s not producing code he enjoys making his body super tired by repeatedly lifting heavy things up in the air and then putting them back down again.

The Art of Lagom: Focusing on Your Core for a Sustainable Future

The Swedish concept of "Lagom", which roughly means "not too much, not too little. Just enough!" is one that Dennis encourages us to think about in our lives, as well as professionals in creating Sustainable Tech. He shows how this even applies to Umbraco, which is shrinking between v14 and v13, and why that's a good thing.

ViewComponents in Umbraco 9

With Umbraco 9 running on .NET 5, a new concept is introduced called ViewComponents. In this article Dennis Adolfi will cover the basics of ViewComponents, how we can use them in Umbraco 9 and what you should be aware of going forward.

Rendering Nested Content with Strongly Typed View Models

When we build websites, we're most often laying them out with some form of building blocks. Umbraco's built-in Nested Content is perfect for this, and Dennis shows us how to utilize strongly typed models with them for a more maintainable code base.