Issue No 109

The Struggle of Unplugging: Navigating Remote Work's Blurred Boundaries

by Joke Van Hamme

As remote work becomes a staple, it blurs the boundaries between home and office, making it tough to disconnect. Each of us have our own unique approach to this, with some needing firm boundaries and others blending work with life’s daily flow. Through insightful tips, Joke offers us guidance on how to manage this delicate balance, establish effective boundaries, and foster teamwork that respects diverse work-life integration styles, leading to a healthier and more productive remote work experience.

Stay Plugged in to the Community!

DF: Dutch Umbraco Experience

19 September 2024

Utrecht, Netherlands


What to expect

Umbraco US Festival

03-04 October 2024

Chicago, IL, USA


Sweden Festival

23 October 2024

Stockholm, Sweden


DK Festival

21 Nov 2024

Aarhus, Denmark


Around the Web

A curated collection of Umbraco and industry related tools, tips, tricks, and tutorials from around the web.

Astroboard Dashboard

credit: Tarik Rital

Astroboard is a new Umbraco package that upgrades your dashboard with in-depth analytics and visual reports! It provides detailed statistics on page statuses, assets, and user activity, all within Umbraco, giving you a clear view of your content and site performance.

Check out the package

Running Umbraco CMS on containers

credit: Ivan Nikolov

Ivan's recently wrote us a detailed guide on running Umbraco within Docker containers. This is a great step for getting started on Umbraco in containers - covering everything from setup to optimizing your containerized environment.

Read the blog post

The Unhandled Exception Podcast - Episode 69

credit: Dan Clarke

Some umbazing Umbracians were featured on Episode 69 of the Unhandled Exception Podcast! Dan Clarke chats with Carl Sargunar, Lotte Pitcher, Carole Rennie Logan, and Callum Whyte about our vibrant community and the powerful features of the Umbraco. If you're looking to vibe and keep a finger on the heartbeat of the community, this is a great episode to tune in to!

Listen to the episode

Media Info

credit: Huw Reddick

Huw's awesome new package, Media Info, is a handy content app for accessing detailed Exif data of your media files directly within the Umbraco backoffice. This is ideal for photographers and content creators who need to see metadata like camera settings, geolocation, and more!

Check out the package

Server-side registering of Package Manifest in Umbraco 14

credit: soren kottal

Søren covers how to register a package manifest server-side in Umbraco 14, a great technique when your package only includes backend code. Learn how to leverage IManifestReader to avoid unnecessary static files - perfect if you want to streamline your package management!

Read the blog post