
Photo of Aaron Sadler

Aaron Sadler

Aaron is a .NET developer, with over 10 years experience in the industry, and 5 years working with Azure. He likes to create plugins and give back to the Umbraco community, and keeping up to date with the industry technologies. Outside of work, he likes to fiddle with his car, and has a young family which keeps him busy.

Automatically Creating Thumbnail PDFs in Umbraco

Nothing's better than a tool that helps you automatically accomplish a tedious chore, like creating thumbnails for all those pesky PDFs. Which is why it's great that Aaron's here today to show us how to automate that for the Umbraco Backoffice with three free packages and some helpful code.

How to Set Up Azure DevOps and Create an Artifact

In the second of a three-part series about running Umbraco on Azure, Aaron walks us through connecting our Umbraco repo to Azure DevOps and creating an artifact for deployment.

How to Set Up Umbraco on an Azure Web App

In the first of a three-part series about running Umbraco on Azure, Aaron walks us through the Azure services we need to run Umbraco, what they do, and why he thinks Azure is in most cases the better option over dedicated environments.