
Photo of Jack Chamberlain

Jack Chamberlain

Jack joined the world of Umbraco after a brief foray into air traffic control. Enjoying an end to shift work and with a new found passion for development Jack's spent 3 years working as an Apprentice, Developer and is now a Senior Developer at Initials CX. In his spare time Jack is desperately attempting to train his 1 year old golden retriever, enjoys playing video games and has found a recent hobby tinkering with his coffee machine.

Codegarden 2022: a Newbies Perspective

One of the best experiences at Codegarden is meeting new members of the community and seeing their reactions to the celebration of all things Umbraco! Jack was one of the Codegarden first timers this year, and he gives us a quick look at what it felt like being there, with some tips for next year's new faces.