
Photo of Jason Prothero

Jason Prothero

Jason is the CEO of ProWorks Corporation, an Umbraco Gold Partner, in Corvallis, Oregon. He introduced Umbraco to the team in 2008 and hasn't looked back since. If he's not at the office solving challenges, he's bugging his family and friends to try a new board game, or wishing it was sunny so he could go out and play.

Introducing the TinyMCE Umbraco Premium Package

Starting in Umbraco v11, the TinyMCE editor shipped with it is now at version 6. Which gives us the ability to implement their whole ecosystem of paid features and plugins. Jason shows us how to harness all this awesome power, using the new TinyMCE Umbraco Premium package!

Hybrid Grid Editors: Get More Mileage From Your Grid

The Grid is great for giving content editors options for controlling their content, but migrating content into it from existing properties elsewhere on your site can be a painful experience. Jason shares their pain, and shows how to lessen it through the use of hybrid grid editors.