
Photo of Kyle Weems

Kyle Weems

Kyle is a co-founder and editor for Skrift, where he does a good deal of the editing and makes uninformed opinions about which shade of pink to use that the others wisely ignore. He write code as a Lead UI Engineer at Tonic, is the lead keytarist for the band Moosewine (who have no current plans to release any music), tinkers endlessly with machine generation, designs quirky indie tabletop RPGs, and is (technically, if just barely) an award-winning cartoonist and journalist.

He likes his IPAs likes he likes his trees, reminiscent of pine.

Watch Out, Asimov! Giving Chatbots A Voice With TTS and STT

It's not 2023 if there's not an article about AI somewhere. Join Kyle as he shows us how to put together a React application that is a chatbot that you can speak to and be spoken back to, with the power of your voice, harnessing the power of OpenAI's Whisper model and ChatGPT API and the browser's Web Speech API.

A New Year's Challenge to Conference Organizers

It's not exactly a New Year's Resolution, but following an #Umbraco twitter conversation on conferences in December, Kyle has issued a "conference challenge" to the organizers of our varying festivals about how we engage with and compensate our speakers.

Food and Friction

The websites we create can cause unintended consequences for our users, as some may encounter points of friction from barriers and setbacks that we may be unaware of from our own life experience. Kyle shares his recent challenges with eating, and how that has made him more thoughtful about the human cost of decisions we make with our code and design.

Custom Property Value Converters

Kyle shows us how to make a custom property value converter, which makes it easy to implement the values from a custom property editor in the razor with strongly typed models without having to manually parse the JSON. It's easier than sacrificing a chicken and ten times more effective!

Letter From The Editor: Umbraco and the Other Half

Kyle talks about his fledgling experience with travel and its connections to Umbraco, and his interest in the experience of Umbraco developers outside of America and Europe.